About Me

My photo
I am a wife to my soul mate and best friend, mother of two awesome sons and teacher of children with special needs.I am a South African permanently living in the UK

Friday, 13 October 2006

My boys and I

This was taken at the beach about 2 years ago.I really don't like being photographed,but realise that its important for my boys' who one day might be looking for photos with mom.My mom died of cancer when I was 16 and sadly I only have five photos of her and I together! We were very close,but not many people were into photography in my family.I think that is why I am a photo FANATIC!! They capture memories! I LOVE looking at my boys' baby albums and sometimes find myself quite emotional when I think how much they have grown! Where have my babies gone?? My hubby says "LET GO!" but I battle with that!I often feel like I'm trying to be the mother my mom couldn't-when she was dying she often said that she would be missing out on so much of my life. I especially miss her when I look at my children-she would have loved them so!My sister has just become a granny for the first time and I love watching her with her granddaughter!I can't wait to become a granny!(I think I'll have to be patient for a while longer!)

More later

Tuesday, 10 October 2006

Happy Day !

As you can tell, I have had a good day! One of those productive and rewarding days!(Don't they always go hand in hand?) Anyhow,I thought I'd share my happiness with someone else!

We also experienced a bit of a (financial) miracle today! We always seem to have more month that money and things have been a bit tough lately as my hubby started a new job( and has not been on full salary yet) and three hungry boys really put a dent in the larder!!! BUT God has ALWAYS provided and NEVER have we ever gone hungry! We received an unexpected amount today!I don't put much value to money normally(that's a whole story on its' own!) but I just had to share what can only be described as a miracle! (And we've experienced this before on numerous occasions!) I just had to share that, in case any of you doubt that God is in the miracle business(still)

I had a wonderful day at school and got through to a really weak pupil today and seeing her smile made my day! I LOVE my job (most days!) I have taught for 16 years and though it is a stressful job, I believe God called me to do this work!

Gotta stop now(sure I could use up all 25,000 characters)or I'll go on all night! This is fun!

Here are my boys,Travis(9),Chris(13) and my foster son Hennie(17) Aren't I blessed???

Sunday, 8 October 2006

A little bit more

This journaling is addictive!(also frustrating as I once again typed a lengthy piece only to find an error on the page again!) Oh well, at least I'm learning to become more patient!! A good thing!

I think what I like most is that I can "talk" without being interupted! Moms you know what I mean! Don't get me wrong-I ADORE my boys.I have been very blessed by God! However,sometimes I feel as if I've lost myself! Lost in making lunches,feeding,washing dishes,laundry,feeding,carpool,did I say FEEDING??

I guess this journal is an outlet! I have always enjoyed writing.My best friend(who is living in the USA now) got me interested in journaling.http://caromarls/A new Adventure She would love you to visit her journal.I can highly recommend it! This is a great way to keep in touch and also to make new friends!!

Well, I have to go and feed the hordes :-)


First Entry

Finally! I actually started my own journal! I have tried on three occasions to start one and each time I've written a looong  entry only to have an error on the page! Needless to say, I gave up! That's the first bit about me! I tend to be impatient!(With myself mostly! :-)

I am keeping my entries short (and hopefully, sweet) Hence the name "bits" of me!

Well thats' the first "bit" done!