About Me

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I am a wife to my soul mate and best friend, mother of two awesome sons and teacher of children with special needs.I am a South African permanently living in the UK

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Jack the signalman

 This took place in my home town of Uitenhage-I loved this story as a kid,but always felt kind of sorry for the baboon.Wondered if he was happy doing this?                                          

                                             Jack the Signalman

by Pieter du Plessis ©

Signalman Jack

When the Cape Government Railways opened the first railway line to Port Elizabeth from Cape Town during the later part of the 1800’s the town Uitenhage was established. The railway station became world renown when the local railway guard James Edwin Wide had a working baboon Jack the Signalman that assisted him in his daily tasks.

James Wide, better known amongst the locals and friends as Jumper Wide due to his habit to jump from one railway truck to the other and sometimes also swinging from truck to truck. Sadly one day while working as a guard whilst jumping from one truck he slipped on the canvas and lost his balance and fell underneath the moving train. As a result of this accident Jumper Wide lost both legs at the knees and in the process nearly also lost his life. As a result of this accident Jumper could no longer work as a guard for the Cape Railway Government and became unemployed for a while. He begged and pleaded for the authorities to employ him but to no avail. His determination and his perseverance forced him to make his own pegged-legs from a piece of wood that was strapped onto his lower half of his body. He then proceeded to make himself a trolley with an intricate hand apparatus that made himself a little more mobile.

Jack was again employed for the railway company as a signalman and one Saturday morning while visiting the Uitenhage market place, a popular meeting place of coffee dealers, merchants, transport drivers and hunters he noticed a oxwagon being led into the market by a young baboon that acted as "voorloper" (Oxen leader). Jumper Wide pushed himself closer and introduced himself to the owner of the baboon and after some demonstrations Wide was convinced that this intelligent animal could serve him in a useful capacity. Having pleaded with the owner and partially because of the sympathetic feeling towards the cripple man the owner reluctantly parted with his favourite pet and thus started one of the most amazingly friendships between animal and man.

As Jumper Wide’s cottage was about half a mile from the station, and found the walk and the moving of the trolley so difficult he started to train Jack to push him on the track. Jack learned quickly how to push his master to work in the morning and again at 5pm from work to his cottage. Jack would push the trolley uphill and when the trolley made up speed downhill he would jump on under great excitement and get a free ride. Jack also learned how to lift the trolley on and off the track and also "manhandled" the old condemned railway sleepers as he tumbled them over and over from the dump yard to the kitchen door where it will be used as fire wood. Jumper were warned by the previous owner that Jack were given every night a tot of good Cape brandy and should you for some reason fail to remember he would sulk the next day and refuse to have anything to do with you. No doubt Wide remembered this very well when on one occasion Jack refused to assist his master to get to work

At the signal-box at the station Jumper kept an important key that unlocked the points to enabled the locomotive drivers to reach the coalsheds. Whenever a locomotive driver needed to load coal he gave four blasts on his whistle and then Jumper Wide would totter out on his crutches and stumps and hold up the key. Jack watched this performance for a couple of days and then one day when the locomotive driver blasted the familiar fourblasts Jack rushed to the signal box and grab the key and went outside where he hold the key up for the driver to collect.

As the days, weeks and months progressed Wide and Jack’s friendship and understanding grew together. Jumper started to train Jack to change the signals on the various blasts from the locomotive drivers. When finally Wide were convinced that Jack could now be able to change the signals and also various other tasks he put the baboon to test. Each time one of the drivers would give a signal Jack would change the signal without once making an error.

Much to the amazement of locals and passengers who stood in awe marvelling the spectacle of a boon working at a station. The inevitable happened one day when a prominent lady on route to Port Elizabeth were horrified when she saw that the signals at the station were changed by a baboon. Fearing for her safety and fellow passengers the incident were reported to the authorities in Cape Town who at first could not believe her story. The system manager and a delegation that consisted of an inspectorate visited the station and Jumper Wide and Jack were dismissed from duty. Again Wide pleaded and fortunately or maybe a case of curiosity forced the system manager to test the ability of Jack. A locomotive driver were given secret instructions and all present waited to see if Jack will past this strenuous test. Each time that the driver blasted a different signal Jack would change the correct signal and points without fail. Jack even looked around in the direction of the oncoming train to make sure that the correct lever and signal were changed. Jack has passed his test with flying colours and were duly employed by the authorities and from that day became known as Jack the Signalman. But not only did he get his monthly rations from the government but he also received an employment number.

Around Jumpers cottage Jack also learned to perform other tasks such as removing rubbish and sweeping the kitchen floor and other smaller tasks. He turned out to be also a very good watchman and any intruder were greeted by a fierce guard who could frighten the wits out of every person.

During 1890 Jack got sick and contracted tuberculosis and died, Wide was inconsolable to the loss of his friend as they were inseparable. Jack’s skull is on display in the Albany Museum in Grahamstown.


Monday, 23 April 2007

Love your neighbour

I 've been following the news reports(as I'm sure the rest of the world has) of the person behind the campus killer.I can't help feel sorrow for him.I don't excuse his actions-I DETEST violence,but some part of my heart feels sorrow for him.I know reports say he was a silent child, bullied for most of his school life and teased about his deep voice.I think other teachers might agree with me when I say that most of the general public don't really understand the impact bullying has on a child unless they themselves were bullied.I see daily how nasty children can be to others. I see the devastating results too.

Sadly this behaviour (bullying) is not limited to children alone. I see adult bullies all around me.It is often said a bully was once bullied himself and I have seen this cycle repeat itself at school. I think society has a lot to answer for.

Ask yourself-Have I spoken to anyone in a disrespectful manner?Then you are a bully.Have I taken advantage of another person?Bully.Have I thought myself better than someone else-bully.If you have in any way damaged the spirit of another in any way albeit "small" ,YOU ARE A BULLY!

I am a bully too.I lord it over my sons at home-shouting the odds sometimes in a disrespectful and undignified manner.I am ashamed sometimes at my actions.I bully my husband by playing on his emotions.(But he figured that one out long ago :-)I have ( in my school days) teased other people who were already being picked on.I am ashamed to say that I have contributed to this plague in society.Even gossip is a form of cursing another persons spirit!I'm guilty!

I think we need to remember the V-Tech killings because we ourselves contribute to situations like that.I am not saying the killer be relieved of all responsibility-not at all.I just want this world to be better and it starts with LOVE.Love your neighbour!!!My prayer is for all of society to speak out against any bullying.SPEAK OUT don't join in!Maybe if someone had bothered to stop the bullying this tragedy might have been prevented.

Be blessed and BE a blessing!!

Love u (neighbour :-)

Monday, 16 April 2007


I've just watched the news headlines here in South Africa and I am numb.I'm referring to the killings on the college campus.I want all my Jland friends to know that I mourn with all of America. My last entry was about love.Surely today's shootings can only be the absolute opposite of love-hate. Maybe it was a LACK of love that caused the hatred leading to this sad act.I am baffled,no-I am sad, immensely sad!I want this world to be a better place!I know the reality of it though.This world is a fallen place.Today I am reminded of this fact.

I am reminded that we are not to give up!We are to PRAY fervently against the evil in this initially perfect world.So many lives have been altered today.Somehow tragedies unite people-sad but true.My hope is that something positive will come from this tragedy.I pray for peace and understanding for the loved ones left behind and  the ability to forgive the transgressor.Hatred breeds hatred.Love conquers all.I know it does.

Romans 8:38,39 " For I am persuaded that neither death nor life,nor angels nor principalities nor powers, not things present,nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any created thing,shall be able to seperate us from the LOVE of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

With great sadness and MUCH LOVE xxxxxxx

Saturday, 14 April 2007


I've chosen red text today to match the subject.No not the sentimental red love we use on Valentines day.I 've been thinking seriously today about how important love is. Romantic love is wonderful and fulfilling.Being loved by your spouse is of vital(as in LIFE giving) importance.Love for ones children is such an easy love-though raising them is really difficult.You love them no matter what!That love is present from the moment you have held that baby in your arms(or even sometimes when still in your tummy).Love from ones parents mould the person you become.Love from siblings can make your world a safer place -to be just who you are and accepted.

Love is what binds us together isn't it? That reminds me of that song-bind us together in love.I think this Easter, love  has been especially real for me.I often feel burdened by all the violence in our world.I think the hippies of the 60's had the right (sort of!) idea albeit a misguided outlook on love.Love IS the single most important ingredient that keeps us in unity-as a person,as a family, as a nation even as the human race. Is that not why so much is broken and not in unity? Lack of love- REAL love! Walking past a homeless person and feeling that tug in your heart.Watching an injured animal struggle to survive and feeling in your heart a sadness for it.Just looking around one at the beauty in this world and being overwhelmed by it.I know some people only see the EMOTIONAL reactive side of this, but that is part of love.I don't think you can seperate love from emotion.Both are God given.This Easter I looked at the cross in our church and became overwhelmed (without tears!!) by the love of the Cross.My favourite verse is 1 John 4:19 "We love because He first loved us" He IS the source of love-real love. Thus the red text-red for His blood-the symbol of His love for us.

I've been thinking about Jland too.We don't know eachother(mostly) yet we communicate and form bonds.Isn't it rather strange?To connect with people you really are NOT connected to?(except digitally :-) I think we do this because we have a need to love and BE loved.Maybe we have the heart of the Creator who yearns to be in relationship with His creation.In unity,in love.

I encourage you today (and myself :-) to LOVE others-especially the unlovely!Restore broken relationships! Communicate love-real love-to those around you.Just start with the one in front of you.If we each do that we CAN make a difference.Just love the one in front of you today.

LOVE YOU !!! :-)-

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Wet pants



Come with me to a third grade classroom.....


There is a nine- year- old kid sitting at his desk and all of a sudden, there is a puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet. He thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened. It's never happened before, and he knows that when the boys find out he will never hear the end of it. When the girls find out, they'll never speak to him again as long as he lives.


The boy believes his heart is going to stop; he puts his head down and prays this prayer, "Dear God, this is an emergency! I need help now! Five minutes from now I'm dead meat."


He looks up from his prayer and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes that says he has been discovered.


As the teacher is walking toward him, a classmate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water.  Susie trips in front of the teacher and inexplicably dumps the bowl of water in the boy's lap.


The boy pretends to be angry, but all the while is saying to himself, "Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!"


Now all of a sudden, instead of being the object of ridicule, the boy is the object of sympathy.  The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on while his pants dry out.  All the other children are on their hands and knees cleaning up around his desk. The sympathy is wonderful. But as life would have it, the ridicule that should have been his has been transferred to someone else -Susie. 


She tries to help, but they tell her to get out.  You've done enough, you klutz!"


Finally, at the end of the day, as they are waiting for the bus, the boy walks over to Susie and whispers, "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Susie whispers back, "I wet my pants once too."



May God help us see the opportunities that are always around us to do good.


Remember.....Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.


Each and every one of us are going through tough times right now, but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can.

Keep the faith.