About Me

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I am a wife to my soul mate and best friend, mother of two awesome sons and teacher of children with special needs.I am a South African permanently living in the UK

Friday, 17 November 2006

Assessment is over

At last!!! Assessment at school is over for the year! With two weeks left before we break for six weeks,I can get down to just relaxing with my children and do more fun activities than usual! Lots of Christmas things YAY!

I have no children that need to be retained this year-this makes me SOOO very happy! It never is an easy task to explain to a little child why they have to repeat a year! They usually take it well (depending on how the news is told and how their parents react!)

I had a girl that really battled the year through and I prayed her through most of her tasks! I could only have done it with Gods' help! She has passed! Some of the boys' in my class have been a challenge this year-poor parental supervision has led to undisciplined behaviour but what they truly need is routine and structure and LOADS of love and attention! This required pray too! My class received a compliment from our headmistress for being a well-behaved class! They beamed-especially those "naughty" boys! Not enough positive reinforcement at home I guess! I have 31 in my class this year, but will have 35 next year.Think I'll post a photo of my class next time.

It would be nice to hear from different schools across the waters!

I have been SOOO busy with reports, admin etc etc that I haven't journalled for so long, that I had considered giving it up! Just couldn't do it! We are a prep school so we are busy rehearsing for the Grade 3 final assembly and also our annual prizegiving.

My boys are calling-better go-think I'll journal when they are asleep!!! :-)




Anonymous said...

Hi my friend - I am so glad you've started up again. I missed out on the middle entries of yours because I lost your address.  But I am going now to put a link on my site to yours and intro it to my friends.  Your journal is going to be a worthy read.  I think others will learn much from you.  Keep going and don't give up - PLEASE!!!  Love Carrie

Anonymous said...

Just dropping by to check u out

Anonymous said...

Hello auntie Shauneen! I just would like to tell you that I love you and miss you very much I also miss your family too. I can't beleive how Travis and Chris have grown up (Chris-put a smile on your face), Travis you are so cute! Well I'm going to go but I thought I'd just leave you a little comment! :) Love, Shelaine

Anonymous said...

Hi Shauneen... Caroline's entry mentioned her friend from South Africa... I'm one of her friends in NC. I have taught with her, but now we are in different schools. So glad to meet you! I will be back to visit further. It's time to cook dinner here in U.S. Come to visit my journal when you have the time!! Bea


Anonymous said...

hi! geetings from Caroline! she sent me here!