About Me

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I am a wife to my soul mate and best friend, mother of two awesome sons and teacher of children with special needs.I am a South African permanently living in the UK

Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Its been an "up" day!


Had an up day today-Thanks for all the positive comments.They really helped!

Here are some more priceless proverbs from the kiddies! Gotta love 'em!

Strike while the                                                            insect is close

Never underestimate the power of                                      ants.

Don't bite the hand that                                                looks dirty.

Better to be safe than                                                   punch a grade 7 boy.

If you lie down with dogs, you'll                                         stink in the morning.

It's always darkest before                                             Daylight Saving Time.

You can lead a horse to water but                                     how?

No news is                                                                  impossible.

A miss is as good as a                                                    Mr.

You can't teach an old dog new                                         maths.

Love all, trust                                                              me.

The pen is mightier than the                                            pigs.

An idle mind is                                                             the best way to relax.

Where there's smoke there's                                         pollution.

Happy the bride who                                                    gets all the presents.

A penny saved is                                                          not much.

Two's company, three's                                                the Musketeers.

Don't put off till tomorrow what                                    you put on to go to bed.

Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and           you have to blow your nose.

There are none so blind as                                     Stevie Wonder.LOL-poor guy:-)

Children should be seen and not                                   smacked or grounded.

If at first you don't succeed                                      get new batteries.

You get out of something only what you                        see in the picture on the box.

When the blind leadeth the blind                                 get out of the way.

And the favourite:
Better late than                                                         pregnant


Anonymous said...

Nice to read those again, LOL

Anonymous said...

too funny:) kids :)


Anonymous said...

So funny!  I wonder what we would get out of our kids if we got them to complete the proverbs?  I think I may try it sometime! So glad you had a better day. I'm feeling normal again - back to school tomorrow.  Yay!!!! Love you  ~  Carrie  ~

Anonymous said...

cute Shauneenie!