About Me

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I am a wife to my soul mate and best friend, mother of two awesome sons and teacher of children with special needs.I am a South African permanently living in the UK

Saturday, 17 February 2007

Love kids!

This was inspired by Guido at http://journals.aol.co.uk/pharmolo/NorthernTrip

Some test questions and answers (grade 3)


Name a use of cow hide?

To keep the cow together.


What is an autobiography?

It’s the history of cars.


Name 5 things that contain milk?

Butter, cheese and 3 cows


What is the past tense of eat?



What is the use of eye teeth?

To watch that the other teeth are chewing properly.


What is a terminal illness?

When you get sick at the airport


Translate “I beg your pardon?” into French.



What do you call someone who beats skins?



What do you get after you lose your milk teeth?

Your  peppermint teeth!


I guess this is why I love my job!




Anonymous said...

Thanks Shaueen, those are great :-D

Anonymous said...

love these:)


Anonymous said...

I love having conversations with children.  Thanks for sharing their answers; they made me laugh!--Sheria

Anonymous said...
