About Me

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I am a wife to my soul mate and best friend, mother of two awesome sons and teacher of children with special needs.I am a South African permanently living in the UK

Friday, 8 June 2007

I love you the purplest

I just have to share a children's book I've just read!! It is about a mother who has two little boys. It is a beautiful story of a mothers' unconditional  and equal love for her children.I love it espescially as I also have two boys and I can relate to this moms problem of showing no favouritism towards her boys.

The boys go digging for worms in preparation for a fishing trip.They collect a tin each and ask their mom who has the best tin.She tactfully tells them one has the juiciest worms while the other has the most lively ones.Happy that they both are equally wonderful, the boys go fishing with their mom.

The one boy catches three fish while the other only catches one and they ask her who is the best fisherman.She wisely tells them that the one who caught the most was very skilled, but that the boy who caught one, was very patient to have waited so long for his very crafty fish.Once again both boys are happy.

That night in their bunk beds they each whisper in her ear "Mama,who do you love the best?"......a question kids WANT to ask but don't!

She lovingly tells the one boy that she loves him the bluest. The blue of a dragonflies wings he loves to catch.The blue of the bright moon at night .... Then she tells the other boy she loves him the reddest.The red of the setting sun or the burning fire he loves so much.Then they go to sleep happy in the knowledge that their mama loves them equally!

DON'T YOU JUST LOVE IT? The illustrations are beautiful.I brought it home from school to read to my boys and they LOVED IT (I now have to go and buy them each a copy!) And.... when I hug them I tell Chris "I love you the bluest" and when I hug Travis I tell him " I love you the reddest" And my boys know that I love them equally!!!!

Together they make a beautiful "purple" in my life!


This was taken 7 years ago(I try to avoid the camera LOL)


Anonymous said...

what a great story:) i love the purple family:)


Anonymous said...

I need to find that book!  Sounds wonderful.  My friend, you are part of the rainbow of friendships I have. Your color is rich, deep and full of life!  I love you and miss you more - Carrie

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the book, what is the title? I'd love to buy it for the daughters of a very good friend of mine. I love the photograph and you have no reason to stay away from the camera. You have such a lovely and friendly smile!--Sheria

Anonymous said...

A great story! Love it. thanks for telling me about it... deals with a subject that worries parents, that their kids might think the parent loves one more than the other. Who was the author? bea

Anonymous said...

Dear Shauneenie,
Cheers! I've been away(computer issues ,camping ,family visist, dog surgery) but when I returned I lvoed reading your delightful tales! cheers!
love ya,nat