Hi all my Jlander friends! Its been a while since my last entry but I have been very busy putting plans into action.
We have made the decision to relocate to the UK as soon as we sell our house.My husband worked in London for two years (he has Bristish citizenship) and we have been toying with the idea for quite a few years. While I DO love my country...I think my children are better off somewhere where they can experience better opportunities.I have lived in this small town for forty years and have taught at the same school for seventeen years...sooo this is a huge step for me!BUT...I do believe this to be the best thing for us- PLEASE COULD YOU SAY A PRAYER FOR US AND ESPECIALLY OUR CHILDREN! I know kids adapt better than adults do, but there are many changes that we will have to get used to.
I prayed for so long about moving as I did not want this to be a "me" decision. As a Christian I always want to be sure that whatever I do is in Gods' will. Each time I prayed I thought of Moses in the desert...I wondered if this was Gods way of telling me I have been in a desert but the promised land awaits...BUT I also doubted if it was just my STRONG desire for a better life. I prayed that God would somehow "speak " to me....(do you also battle to "hear" Him?? LOL)
Well, the day my husband got the job in the UK, I asked God once more to let me know if we must go WELL.... He spoke clearly...I receive a daily devotion and the very next morning the verse was from Exodus (where Moses was in the desert talking to God!!ring a bell!!LOL) The verse said "If you,our God, do not go before us, we will not set a foot from this place" The lesson with the verse was all about MOVING!! I believe God gave me the sign I was looking for! Since then I have absolute peace that we are doing the right thing.I still have fears....but will get over those LOL
Thanks in advance for your support! It is a bitter/sweet time for us... leaving my beautiful country and especially my sister! but I have to do what I know is best for my children!!
It would be interesting to hear your views on our move!
Take care...love
Working and living overseas is a huge challenge, Shauneen, and I wish you every bit of luck. Not just with the move, but also for the future. Will you be considering returning to SA at some point? Keep us posted!
I have nothing but good vibrations that I'm sending your way, my dear Shauneen! I do understand about huge changes; when I decided to return to school to pursue my law degree I was 39 years old; even I thought that I was crazy! You have my prayers and good thoughts. I hope that this change will bring you nothing but delight. I look forward to reading about the big move.--Sheria
Good luck! My prayers are with you.
(Guido sent me over).
Pharmolo (Guido) sent me over too!! Just wanted to tell you that I truly believe that God has spoken to your heart, I believe that you have waited for HIS time, not yours... you truly seeked HIS will, and this is it!!! And I'm truly envious, I LOVE the UK, the accents, alone, would throw me over the edge... ('Course if I was there, then I'd be the one with the accent, huh... LOL!!!) I love it!!! God Bless You and keep you and your family!!! Maybe your sister will follow you!! Congratulations on a GREAT life changing decision!!!
My dearest friend, of course you know my feelings about this. We've done what you are about to do and I am so excited for you - mainly because you are going in God's will. I am even more excited that you will be closer to me than you were and the chances that we'll see each other sooner are greater! I pray that everything goes smoothly - as I've seen in our lives, when God's hand is in it, everything falls into place in HIS time, not mine! I love you and I'm praying for you. ~ Caroline ~
It is a big step....and I have you in my prayers. Many hugs to you.
Yes, I think the message was clear... and you prayed on it. Continue to pray as you walk through the various doors that will now be open to you. Like Caroline, you are embarking on a new journey far from your home. It will be scary, but it will also be exciting and new... adventurous, bold, daring are other words that come to mind. Keep your heart open to all the possibilities and your mind focused on what you have to do to get there. One step at a time. From what Caroline has told me, moving to another country isn't easy, but you will make new friends. At least you won't have to learn a new language! Congratulations on this turn in your life. Won't you have much to write about now? Keep posting! I'm praying for your safe travels, and that you will soon meet the companions God will send to accompany you. bea
Hi! I came here via your friend Caroline. I have put you on my prayer list. I live iin the UK,having moved over here from Canada some 8 years ago now. I live in Kent, which is in the southeast and not too far from London. Moving here was the best choice I ever made in my life. I would not have had the opportunities back home in Canada that I have had here and it's a very good life. I wish you well! I don't think we can go too far wrong when we listen to that small still voice that shows us the way to go!
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