or to put it as eloquently as Emily Dickinson
" Where thou art,that is home"
I have put a photo of our current home in this blog as we will soon be leaving it. As you may or may not know, moving has been a big part of my new life in the UK . It is not something I am used to- not something that I enjoy. Some people relish the thought of a new scene, new neighbours, perhaps new furniture
I am not one of them! My title to this entry is fitting because my home will always be where my husband and sons are but each time I say farewell a piece of me is left behind. When I left South Africa a huge piece of my heart was left behind- My sister,brother,nephews and nieces, sisters and brother -in law, great nieces and nephew- all kept a piece of me. It did indeed feel as if my heart had been broken to leave them.
This house has been our fourth home since moving here four years ago. However it has been the house we have lived in for three years and which has provided my family and I with the safety and security we have needed. It has been a wonderful home and though we do not own it- a piece of me will remain there. I will add it to my love memory.
A house is not the same as a home. I have owned three houses and rented four-they have all been home to me for there my heart is also.
This is a fitting story, Shauneen...for your Blog's name is Bits of Me. You are the kind of person who leaves bits of you wherever you live/work/worship/ play... because you build relationships with people. And that is the meaning of life, in the end, to have loved and been loved.
Where are you moving to next? Back home in South Africa? or is there another unknown thrown in, a new adventure?
ystaesSo glad you're back! I need to get back on mine - there never seems to be time.
I am thrilled for you that you have found a place that you don't have to move from again - that is our dream too :) God bless my friend!
Thank you Bea for your kind words (hugs) We are still staying in the same town but moving because our three year lease is up.Our new house comes with a life time lease.What a blessing :)
CARRIE my dear friend-thank you and may God bless you with a life time home too...Love you always PS Yes get writing girl (hugs and love)
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