I love snow because it changes the ordinary into something out of the ordinary.A friend of mine calls it God's icing. I love that each snowflake is unique! I find it fascinating that one snowflake on it's own will melt but put them together and they can stop traffic.
Walking in our neighbourhood forest admiring the snow got me thinking about how snow is much like teaching. It's a wonderful profession with icing on the top times when a student achieves something-anything!
It also has challenging moments-like driving in the snow-when you just can't make a breakthrough with a student. It has fun-snow ball fight moments- like dancing on the stage with two of my students (they actually made it on stage!) at the Christmas play.
Each of my students and each of my wonderful team of staff are snowflakes! Without the support of eachother we would not be able to achieve much. Each one unique, each one beautiful in their own way!
I have six students and as many Learning Support Assistants as the students are all educated one to one. I have an amazing group of students, they teach me well each day ! They have taught me to be compassionate, to be patient,to really listen, to be intuitive, to be observant,to be organised and above all to really appreciate the so-called "little" things in life- like snowflakes and snow :)
I love this post!! Everything you said is so true - we need each other to make it through and to stop the traffic, i.e. make the breakthroughs that we need to with our students. It's hard to go it alone and I know on those days, I feel like I'm melting. You and I feel exactly the same way about snow - we're hoping for some today .... maybe my winter dream will come true. Love ya!
Love ya too my friend-wishing you some magical stuff- and some snow ;)
A very insightful analogy, snow and teaching. An apt comparison. Well written, Shauneen. It gives me the chills... :-)
I love the snow too. There is something magical about it as it drifts down ...so silently. This year we've had little snow- little rain. We need both.
This post is so beautifully written. So happy you're posting again.
I was born and raised in Northern Minnestota. I love the 10,000 lakes and also loved the snow THEN--but now I think of it as work and all I want is a little bit at Christmas. This year we have so little snow, it's STRANGE. Glad you like snow, since that is hwhere you live and I am sure your winter dream will come true! Merry
marvelous! I love that about teaching! take care and cheers!
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