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I am a wife to my soul mate and best friend, mother of two awesome sons and teacher of children with special needs.I am a South African permanently living in the UK

Monday 16 April 2007


I've just watched the news headlines here in South Africa and I am numb.I'm referring to the killings on the college campus.I want all my Jland friends to know that I mourn with all of America. My last entry was about love.Surely today's shootings can only be the absolute opposite of love-hate. Maybe it was a LACK of love that caused the hatred leading to this sad act.I am baffled,no-I am sad, immensely sad!I want this world to be a better place!I know the reality of it though.This world is a fallen place.Today I am reminded of this fact.

I am reminded that we are not to give up!We are to PRAY fervently against the evil in this initially perfect world.So many lives have been altered today.Somehow tragedies unite people-sad but true.My hope is that something positive will come from this tragedy.I pray for peace and understanding for the loved ones left behind and  the ability to forgive the transgressor.Hatred breeds hatred.Love conquers all.I know it does.

Romans 8:38,39 " For I am persuaded that neither death nor life,nor angels nor principalities nor powers, not things present,nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any created thing,shall be able to seperate us from the LOVE of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

With great sadness and MUCH LOVE xxxxxxx


Anonymous said...

There is usually no reasoning behind such acts. You can only remember those who died, and think of those they left behind.

Anonymous said...

Brendon and I were talking about that and the comment came up :Why does God allow this. I told him that that when we first sinned, we gave the earth up to Satan and he reigns over it today - creating the havoc that he does. We can only turn to God and get strength from Him to help us cope with the horror that Satan unleashes. He will be there for is and will help us when we need help and guidance in these situations!  One of my colleagues has a brother there - thankfully, he is okay. There is horror wherever you go - in every country! God bless, my friend. ~  Carrie  ~

Anonymous said...

Dear Shauneenie
gee! I jsut left a comment and swoosh it dissapeared!
Mandela taught me , like Gahndi, about how far love and beleiving in people can bring you..so beleive in Virginai tech people whoare left! they need your faith! love,nat
ps oh please would you sign on my entry here your condolences to the faculty, family and friends of these students? thanks! love,nat

Anonymous said...

hi thre Shauneenie
lots of love Mate!
:):) I was cheered by Mandela who talked about how the healing power of love and beleiveing in people brought people much farther in South Africa than was ever imagined..perhaps this will happen in this case too! you ahve to beleive in the power of the survivors at Virgina Tech to survive and surmount this wiht love and support and time

Anonymous said...

Sheesh! Virginia Tech University!