About Me

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I am a wife to my soul mate and best friend, mother of two awesome sons and teacher of children with special needs.I am a South African permanently living in the UK

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Dressing up!

This is my youngest,Travis, dressing up with paper moustache and beard!!

Sir Travis!!

"Much more better"-says Captain Jack Sparrow!!

Captain Kid-Our church had a dress up day and the kids had to create a superhero (The theme was Jesus..our superhero)Travis won first prize!


Needless to say, my youngest has a future in movies.His brothers sometimes get rather irritated by him and they call him a "dramaQueen"(sometimes I do too :-) But I am glad he has confidence and I hope he keeps using his imagination for a while yet....we all lose it sooner or later...sadly!

I enjoy watching kids live themselves into roles as they play.As adults we escape the real world by reading a book or watching a movie....or writing a journal!!!!!!!!
Take care.....my (non-imaginary) friends!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes, he is definitely headed for theater!! I loved playing dress up when I was a kid. The photos are cute! I wish I had the digital camera when my son was a boy... I have video clips of him and his friend wearing Ghost Busting gear that they created themselves out of detergent jugs, shoe-boxes, foil, sticks, rope, and tape... and a myriad of other containers. They had memorized their lines from the movie Ghostbusters!... and they knew the dialogue from several scenes. It was so funny to watch them perform on my deck with their gear on. I think I'm going to figure out how to get it on something digital so I can publish it... it is too funny. Treasure your son's delight in pretending.  bea

Anonymous said...

Oh my friend - I LOVE the pics of Travis!  How he and Zane would love playing together. Zane has an incredible imagination and often reminds me of Travis. They would love to play dress up together and imagine until their heart's content!
